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Solarize Campaigns: What They Are and How You Can Start One

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Solarize campaigns are designed to encourage community members to switch to solar energy by addressing common barriers to its adoption. Typically organized by local governments, energy committees, or third-party organizations, these campaigns offer group discounts on installations, access to informational resources, and support throughout the process for participants. Continue reading to discover the benefits of Solarize campaigns and how to organize one in your own community.

Why Launch a Solarize Campaign?

According to the Department of Energy, the primary obstacles preventing homeowners and business owners from adopting solar energy are cost, complexity, and customer inertia. Solarize campaigns tackle these challenges, making solar energy more accessible to everyone.

  • Cost
    While the structure of Solarize campaigns can vary, they generally offer financial incentives to make installations more affordable. Organizers negotiate discounted rates with selected installation teams. In some cases, all participants receive a standard discount, while in others, the discount depends on the number of people involved in the program.
  • Complexity
    Another advantage of Solarize programs is the simplified access to information and resources regarding solar energy. Installation companies often guide participants through every step, from paperwork and permits to post-installation logistics. Organizers frequently host events where community members can learn about solar energy, meet installation teams, and hear from neighbors who have already made the switch. This ensures that participants do not navigate the transition alone.
  • Customer Inertia
    Consumers often stick with familiar energy systems for ease and comfort. Solarize campaigns streamline the transition to clean energy, making it simple and appealing. The campaign's deadline creates urgency, encouraging community members to sign up before the offer expires.

How to Plan a Solarize Campaign?

To launch a Solarize campaign in your community, assemble a group of partners and resources, including staff, community-based organizations, and at least one installation team.

  • Staff
    Each campaign requires a dedicated team, whether volunteer or paid, to manage marketing and arrange partnerships. They select the installation teams and engage additional organizations and individuals in the community.
  • Community-Based Organizations & Groups
    Work with known and trusted community organizations to help spread the word and encourage participation. These partners often host promotional events for the program.
  • Installation Teams
    Staff typically vet multiple solar companies before selecting one or more for installers to work with. They negotiate discounted rates and determine the best fit for the campaign. Sometimes, multiple teams are selected, giving participants a choice. Other times, a single company handles all installations.

Solarize campaigns efficiently drive solar adoption, strengthening utility grids, protecting the environment, and reducing electricity costs. If you’re interested in starting a Solarize campaign in your community, we’d love to be part of it. Contact us to discuss solarizing your town!

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