Maximizing Efficiency with DC-Coupled Energy Storage Solar Systems

When it comes to solar paired with batteries there are two main types of systems known as AC-coupled and DC-coupled. At Granite State Solar we offer both systems. Below we explain why a DC-coupled energy storage solar system can be more cost effective and efficient than an AC-coupled energy storage solar system.

DC-Coupled vs. AC-Coupled Systems

DC-coupled and AC-coupled energy storage systems function very differently. With a DC-coupled system the energy the solar panels produce goes directly to the battery. If the battery is fully charged the battery-based inverter will convert the energy into AC to power the home or feed the grid. With an AC-coupled system the DC energy the solar panels produce gets converted to AC and must get converted back to DC in order to charge the battery. From there the DC electricity in the battery must then get converted back to AC to power the home.

What Are the Key Benefits of a DC-Coupled System?

With a DC-coupled system, since the energy is only converted once, there is less energy loss and higher overall efficiency.

Additionally, with fewer components needed, the cost of these systems is lower, and they have fewer points of failure.

Reach out to Granite State Solar today to learn more about how you can maximize your solar power with a DC-coupled system!
